Data: 1 Aprilie 2019
![]() Do you want a future Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Program with less bureaucracy and a better focus on the beneficiaries needs? Vrei un viitor program Erasmus+ sau Corpul European de Solidaritate cu o birocrație simplificată și cu un accent mai mare pe nevoile beneficiarilor?
ENGLISH VERSIONWe invite you to promote the Resolution
“A vision of the future — Erasmus + and European Solidarity Corps after 2021”if you want the future Erasmus + Programme and the European Solidarity Corps to benefit from more simplified bureaucracy and better focus on the needs of beneficiaries!
The Resolution was elaborated by 125 participants from 24 countries, gathered within the FuturE+ and FuturESC events (Bucharest, 12-15 March), organised by the National Agency managing the two programmes in Romania. The Resolution contains key messages to be addressed to relevant decision-makers from the perspective of both the beneficiary and of the needs of certain sectors (adult education, school education, vocational education and training, higher education or youth, both from the Erasmus + perspective and the European Solidarity Corps). Do you find your ideas in these key messages? Promote the Resolution to relevant MEPs, decision-makers, institutions or authorities in your community or country (National Agency, Ministry of Education or Youth, etc.), as well as to representatives that your country has in the European Parliament or the European Commission! Send the resolution further to those concerned! More support, more opportunities for the future. VERSIUNEA ÎN LIMBA ROMÂNĂTe invităm să promovezi rezoluția “O viziune a viitorului - Erasmus+ și Corpul European de Solidaritate după 2021“dacă vrei ca viitorul Program Erasmus+ și Corpul European de Solidaritate să beneficieze de o birocrație mai simplificată și pună un accent mai mare pe nevoile beneficiarilor!
Adăugat de: Eurodesk Romania
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Ne extindem rețeaua de multiplicatori Eurodesk România!
Mii de tineri între 16 și 30 de ani din UE își vor putea face ideile auzite direct din inima UE!