Connector 2017

Termen de înscriere
22 . 05 . 2017
3 Iulie 2017 - 8 Iulie 2017
Loc desfăşurare
Tip eveniment
Eveniment internaţional
2290 Vizualizări


Aflat la a 4-a ediție, CONNECTOR 2017 își propune să creeze un spaţiu de interacţiune pentru facilitatori ai procesului de învățare.

The NEW Learning experience

CONNECTOR revine cu o nouă abordare. Cursul se adresează profesioniștilor interesați de învăţarea interactivă: formatori, facilitatori, lucrători de tineret, cadre didactice, din toate sectoarele acoperite de programul Erasmus+: tineret, educaţia adulţilor, educaţie formală (preuniversitară sau universitară), formare profesională (VET).
În acest an vor fi propuse 8 ateliere interactive și inovatoare, pentru fiecare dintre ele urmând să fie elaborat câte un ghid de implementare, disponibile atât în limba română cât și în limba engleză.


WORKSHOPS in Connector 2017

Improvisation Theatre
Improvisation is a form of theatre in which the plot, the characters and the dialogues are made up in the moment. The improvisers will take suggestions and inspiration from the audience, and will start creating stories. This is why each performance is unique and diff erent every time.
In non-formal education the method may develop and improve many skills and abi-
lities like peer-interaction within a group,listening, the ability to accept, spontaneity, imagination, intuition and fl exibility, positive thinking, and the capacity of self-belief.
It is an entertaining form of interaction that can be adapted for educational contexts involving both young and mature people, without any compulsory previous performative experience as it develops communication skills, brings unusual, creative solutions to problems, and helps them act supportively in their teams.
You can download the Guide HERE.

The Human Library

The Human Library functions as any otherlibrary – the readers come in and check out books for a designated period of time.
However, the BOOKS are HUMAN BEINGS who engage in a very personal dialogue with the reader. In the beginning there is a debate about the concepts tackled by the method: discrimination, human rights,diversity etc., and their relevance for the formal, non-formal and informal education.
The participants will experiment the library afterwards and we will prepare small scale
performance.The Living Library promotes respect for human rights and human dignity, draws atention on the diversity in all of its shapes and forms and stimulates dialogue.
You can download the Guide HERE.

It is a form of expression based on participative photography and narrative that lead participants to a basic form of storytelling through images and words, collected in order to identify and address a social issue.
The workshop starts with a need analysis through a problem tree or with a common agreed topic/issue to work on. Then, in smaller groups, the participants will go around the city aiming at picturing real life
scenes that will help them in explaining the identified issues. A final storytelling with
the photo presentation will be done. The method can be used to provide hints for change and support policy-making based on real community issues.
You can download the Guide HERE.

Debate is a method that combines thePublic Speaking abilities with the argumentation skills. The participants will be able: to be in more control of their emotions when they speak in front of a group; to structure their ideas in a clear, concise and convincing way; to develop a greater self-confidence, and their persuasion and argumentation skills; to perform be er in oral exams and have greater chances in winning a job interview.
In formal or non-formal educational contexts the method adds structure to dialogue, develop a culture of constructive speech and argumentation, involving questioning, reasoning, critical thinking and logic in everyday activities.

Forum theatre
Forum theatre is a method for social intervention whereby people are empowered to identify a problem from their community and to present it to others through a Forum Theatre play. The audience is invited to participate in solving the problem
illustrated in the play, to propose solutions, to take a itude towards what they see on stage, and to change the play’s ending.
The participants will be able: to experience role-playing games in a safe group, to raise awareness and investigate situations that
need to be changed or discussed about(drug awareness, bullying, career choices and so on); to create a space where many perspective and voices can be presented and heard; to off er fresh choices for change and an approachable methodology to this.

Graphic facilitation
The method offers the participants the opportunity to unleash their creativity and to discover the power of visual imagery as an instrument to visually sort and organize information, explore key concepts throughout multiple angles by using comprehensive and socially accepted symbols. Let's get started on building our visual vocabulary and draw words! Don't think about the pretty drawings and don't be afraid to get your hands dirty: we'll understand that it's all about the process and structure and we'll exercise the diff erent roles that colours can have. You will gain competences and get empowered to use these tools in your own work!

Nonviolent communication
The learning method involves “Peer Mediation” – as a tool and capacity to deal with confl icts constructively, either in youth organizations or school se! ings and to promote peer engagement in proactively solving problems/confl icts that may occur. It also adds “Dialogue” as a method of connecting and exploring diffi cult issues.
Similar to mediation, but with a focus more on the process of dialogue, knowing the context, communication and feedback, the art of asking questions and the art of listening and fi nally the art of identifying shared paths together. “Challenge” as a learning tool is a process designed with a specific capacity framework in mind and which takes the learners through a highly participatory and interactive journey.

Socio-educational animation
Socio-educational animation represents a tool of building relationships between participants, using social, cultural, physical and sports activities. It includes games and playful activities, learning through experience, and educational activities through adventure, which introduce the game as a
new type of learning, cultural and social act.
In some cases it requires that the individual has the ability to control or manipulate one or more objects at the same time. Those with strong visual/spatial intelligence will like to visualize the pa! erns where they exist. Getting up, moving around, throwing and catching objects will develop the kina- esthetic intelligence. Games are spontaneous bits to support self- discovery, ge! ing to know the others and the world. They involve experiment, observation, being audacious, working hard and celebrating, participation and mutual help, organizing abilities, learning how to win and how to lose. Playing introduces rules and adequate ways of respecting them.
The participants will experience the game as a tool of cooperation for achieving a common goal, building up strategies, and developing creativity.

Evenimentul este organizat de Agenția Națională pentru programul Erasmus+ din România (ANPCDEFP).

Informaţii suplimentare cu privire la eveniment şi la obiectivele acestuia se găsesc la următoarea adresă:

Înscrierea se face online prin completarea formularului de candidatură (este necesară în prealabil înregistrarea pe site-ul SALTO-Youth) la adresa:

Criterii de selecţie:

- implicarea activă în organizația pe care o reprezintă;
- motivaţia personală şi profesională;
- motivația de a împărtăși metodele învățate și a le pune în practică în comunitatea din care provin;
- abilităţi lingvistice.

Data limită pentru înscrierea online a candidaţilor din România este: 22 mai 2017.

Rezultatele selecţiei naţionale vor fi comunicate tuturor candidaţilor de către Agenţia Naţională din România până pe 30 mai 2017 8 iunie 2017.

Condiții de participare:
 a. Numărul maxim de participanți din România: 15 45.
 b. Selecția se realizează de către ANPCDEFP
 c. Prioritate vor avea persoanele care nu au mai participat la ediții anterioare ale Connector.

1. Candidaţii selectaţi îşi vor acoperi costurile de transport în România din fonduri proprii.

2. ANPCDEFP va suporta costurile privind cazarea, masa participanţilor şi costurile aferente programului de activităţi.

Adaugat de: Erasmus Plus
Termen de înscriere
22 . 05 . 2017
3 Iulie 2017 - 8 Iulie 2017
Loc desfăşurare
Tip eveniment
Eveniment internaţional
2290 Vizualizări
3 Septembrie 2024 - 6 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Online, Online
3 Septembrie 2024 - 6 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Online
21 Iulie 2024

Sub sloganul FROM RURAL TO PLURAL AND BEYOND, evenimentul european dedicat tinerilor din mediul rural va avea loc în satul Hălăucești, județul Iași

18 Iulie 2024

Ea va începe de acum să își alcătuiască noua echipă de comisari europeni, ce îi va fi alături pentru următorii 5 ani.

3 Septembrie 2024 - 6 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Online, Online
3 Septembrie 2024 - 6 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Online
21 Iulie 2024

Sub sloganul FROM RURAL TO PLURAL AND BEYOND, evenimentul european dedicat tinerilor din mediul rural va avea loc în satul Hălăucești, județul Iași

18 Iulie 2024

Ea va începe de acum să își alcătuiască noua echipă de comisari europeni, ce îi va fi alături pentru următorii 5 ani.

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