What is the MidTerm Meeting?The MidTerm Evaluation allows volunteers to assess their experience so far and to reflect on the activities, role and support of the Hosting Organisation and on their own contribution. The MidTerm Evaluation is essential for risk prevention and crisis management and it thus facilitates conflict resolution - if necessary! In addition, volunteers share experiences and increase their motivation.
Logistical issuesAccommodation will be provided only during the period of the event starting with previous day before it starts, 9th of June until the day after it ends, 13th of June. Working days will be 10-12 June 2024. The online form for claiming the travelling cost (including the financial guidelines) is available HERE. For transparency reasons and the correct use of EU funding your participation is conditioned by the following conditions that are to be respected by all participants: Training and evaluation cycle (TEC)The MidTerm Evaluation Meeting is just one of the meetings dedicated to volunteers in European Solidarity Corps.
Evaluation results
and presance to event :
Added by: Cornel Stinga
Mii de tineri între 16 și 30 de ani din UE își vor putea face ideile auzite direct din inima UE!
Adunarea Generală a Organizația Națiunilor Unite, în cadrul celei de-a 23-a sesiuni, în decembrie 2018, a proclamat ziua de 24 ianuarie – Ziua Internațională a Educației
Mii de tineri între 16 și 30 de ani din UE își vor putea face ideile auzite direct din inima UE!
Adunarea Generală a Organizația Națiunilor Unite, în cadrul celei de-a 23-a sesiuni, în decembrie 2018, a proclamat ziua de 24 ianuarie – Ziua Internațională a Educației